Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I love the Fishes

All three of our kids are fish. They've been in the water since they were tiny and just love it! Logan did great today and we got a little video of him doing streamline. Riley has a lot of trouble concentrating, but has such natural skill it kills me to watch him not paying attention because he could be phenomenal!!! Savannah is constantly amazing her coach with how much a 2 year old can do!!! As an added bonus for Savannah, swimming is her special Grammy time! It started off that way because I was working, but now she doesn't swim if I'm in the water with her and since Grammy is currently enjoying lots of free time (still no job :( hopefully soon!) she is happy to spend one morning a week with Savannah in the pool!

Enjoy some of the pictures!


Comments are just like Christmas presents, but better because I'm not expecting them!!