Wednesday, June 23, 2010

TV Free(ish) Summer

We've been going to VBS for the past few days.  Which I love, because I am such a Children's Ministry Junkie.  It's so sad that I love VBS this much.  I love watching the kids get into it, I love setting up ghetto-rigged Bible Scenes, I love the super cheesy music, and I just miss being formally in ministry.  However, we have TWO VBS's this summer!! So yay for me :)

One of the things that I've noticed is that when I volunteered as a teenager, the kids were way more into the imaginative play portion of the Bible Stories.  But now, I think so many kids watch TV for hours on end, they're unimpressed by our lack of Oscar worthy special effects.  We've always tried to keep TV to a minimum for our kids, but I think I'm officially challenging myself to keep the summer as TV free as possible as of today.  If my kids lose their imagination I'll be really sad, and that's worth some extra effort on my part since I'm the one who has grown accustomed to using the TV for 30 minutes or so of child-free time to clean or finish a project.

Today following VBS, Riley made his own lunch and now the boys have been happily playing pirates for about an hour.  I think when they get tired of it, I'm going to set up the kiddie pool in the front yard and let them play outside with the neighbor kids and have popsicles.  We have some zucchini to cook in the only edible way I know (ahem, zucchini bread) and then there's craft time at the library.  If I pay off my $10 fine (oh the shame!!) then we can check out some books for tonight.  One of my goals for the summer is for Logan to know all of his upper and lower case letters by sight and for Riley to be reading independently on level 1 and level 2 easy reader books.  So, we'll see how this goes :)

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