Monday, October 3, 2011

In Which We Give Up On The Kitchen

Oh Kitchen.  I have such plans for you.  Plans to turn you from yellow and blue into tuscan oranges and browns and blues...plans for a backsplash...plans to sew seat cushions for the chairs....

But let's be're not really a kitchen anymore.

It's CC Week 7, which our community takes off.  We'll be on Week 7 work next week, but it'll be Week 8 of homeschooling.  That means we review.  I finally bought our giant white board and mounted it on the other side of the window-
We're doing fairly well on our memory work- we're erasing lines as we all know them perfectly.  Riley struggles with generating the years for history sentences and getting the route memorization of other subjects in the correct order.  Logan struggles with focusing when I'm testing his knowledge straight through.  Savannah is a rockstar for a 3 year old. :)

I finally organized my Baker's Rack in a way that makes some form of sense as far as usage.  If you ever come to my house and open the bottom cabinets, though, I will cut you.  As my friend Gaby would say, I know Mexican Judo.

And since I was spending money today.....I also bought a magnetic white board for Riley's All About Spelling components.  I am so happy I won't have to dig these out of bags anymore for every lesson!! Happy Day :)
Tonight we're having soup and French Orchard sandwiches (which I am totally stealing from a local sandwich shop!) They're nice white bread (no Wonder, please) with ham, brie, green apple, apricot jam, and some greens.  Yum! I was giving my mom ideas and mentioned this one and then promptly decided I had to run to the store, too.

I love my children- but I know better than to run to the store before dinner.  So embarassing when they're running around like crazy and I can't contain them because I didn't get a cart since "We're just getting ONE thing!"

Sigh.  One day I'll be good at being a mom. Probably when I have great-great-great-grandchildren.


  1. I only have two and dread going to the store sometimes. :) You're a great mom, no doubt about it!

  2. I love your home-school organization! It looks fabulous in the pictures. I can't wait to get started next year!!! You inspire me, dahling.

    And you're right about the baker's rack cabinets. I have lots of places like that in my house. And Mexican Judo is the BEST martial art to know. Ever.


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