Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sk8r Girl

Savannah just finished her first set of ice skating lessons thanks to Grammy and Papa!! The first time we put her on the ice to practice, she absolutely amazed us because she took right to it!!

Classes, however....well....that was a different story.  Savannah has such a compassionate heart that she would have rather spent her time holding hands with another girl who was always at the back of the class than concentrating on the teacher.  I have to admit, I am a bit of a "stage mom", so this drove me absolutely BONKERS.

Savannah had a great time, though!! I think I'm going to keep her out of the next session and skate with her myself through SAM 4 or 5 and then we'll test her out and do lessons again.  She's so cute on the ice, though, and most weeks (this week she was sick, again, so I made her wear pants) she insisted on a leotard and skirt.  Love.

Logan was obviously very proud :)

Ahh, that's more representative of our skating outfits of choice :) 

1 comment:

  1. Thing #1 would love the all-pink outfit. Speaking of which, today is "dress up like your favorite character" day for school. Of COURSE she's going to be Pinkalicious. Thanks for introducing those books to us. We love them. Even Thing #3 was rockin' the Pinkalicious pigtails yesterday. Think of you every time I read, see, or listen to any of those books. :)


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