Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

We're neither Irish, nor Catholic, but Logan's favorite color is green and Riley spent all his free time building "Leprechaun Traps" after being jealous about the treats and mischief at Savannah's preschool.  I decided (at 12 am, which is when my best inspiration always strikes) that I'd go with it, so, here's what I did.

 The leprechaun mischief.  This involved a skein of yarn, some tape, and a package of green balloons.  Luckily the kids are having a "sleepover" together tonight, so I only had to sneak around one room!!
 In the kitchen I drew a picture and threw down some glitter.  I have 0 artistic skill, I know, so no laughing at my leprechaun!!
 Also on the table are goody bags for the kids.  Each kid got a shirt, bracelet, 7 Up, crayons, gum, granola bar, lollipop, and jello.  The boys have flat green shirts and green "lucky" bracelets.


  1. Love it! How creative you are. :D

  2. Zero artistic talent?! Then mine is in the negative realm. Please stop trying to be humble and just man up for your abilities. You make the rest of us want to strive to live up to you, so own it! :D


Comments are just like Christmas presents, but better because I'm not expecting them!!