Science: Baby Bean Experiment from Van Cleave Science .
I tutor an Abecedarian class (it's a fun class, but with ages 3, 4, 5, and 6), so I want to leave myself some grace to skip an overly-long explanation, but still provide children with all the information and ideas. I also don't want anything too "writing intensive", so in addition to demonstrating the experiment, I provided the children with a dry and wet bean to break apart and explore, as well as a few beans to plant and draw into their science journals at home. I sent home an explanation of what we were doing, along with pictures so the kids could follow along with the steps and concepts. Yay for iPhone pictures as a learning tool ;) I included a diagram of the bean parts in the back with numbered parts that I encouraged the kids to color when they got home (one color for each part) since we ran out of time.
So then there was art. I have to admit that I'm super nervous about teaching art. I'm not really an artist and I'm not terribly comfortable pushing kids outside of their comfort zone where art is concerned, since I'm not in mine either!! This week's Cycle 1 Week 1 Art was OiLS, or "Basic Shapes". O for circles, i for dots and line, L for angle lines, and S for curved lines. I decided to fold a sheet of paper in half and then in thirds and let the kids fill in examples of each of the basic shapes. We didn't do a great job on creating an image using the basic shapes, and that was my fault. I offered several suggestions and with such a mixed age group, I think we'd have done better if I mandated that we were drawing a bird and then demonstrated each shape as we added it. We were at the beach the week before CC started, so I just hand-drew my charts, but you could just as easily print them.
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