Sunday, January 13, 2013

Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 14

How are we doing out there CC folks?  Especially all you lurkers out there from HalfAHundredAcreWood's link up.  I see you in my blog views ;) Say hi so I can check out your space on the internet, too!

I was completely out of commission this week.  I have been struggling with headaches so debilitating that I was at the ER at the end of July.  I was initially told they were "just migraines" and given medicine that doesn't help at all.  This week was so bad that I could barely get out of bed, but I was tremendously blessed by my mother stepping in to help me, and of course by the knowledge that my kids would at least have their "pegs" in place thanks to their CC tutors.  I did come out to tutor on Thursday and my wonderful husband stayed home from work so he could help me in my class (and watch to make sure I didn't do anything embarrassing like faint mid-class).  God greatly blessed me with students who were eager to get back to work and were on their very very best behavior the entire day. The first week back is always my favorite since we can spend a little more time on each piece of memory work doing fun things.

Week 14 should be fun, too.  I've finished up my Latin Magnet Boards for my class to use (and my kids at home since I'm keeping them in my magical tutor box!) and you can find a link to it here if you'd like to make your own.  I'll have a substitute in my class this week as I go in to have a few tests done.  I hate to miss CC day, but when they shuffle appointments to fit you in and it's either a Thursday or a two to three week wait, you take the Thursday :( My substitute is a fantastic Christian mom and former classroom teacher, though, so my main sadness is how much better she is at tutoring than I am! I'm sure my class misses her when I come back!

Here's what's on tap for this week, and a few notes from last week:

History: Songhai/Zanj/Zimbabwe
Again, we utilize Story of the World.  I'm really enjoying encorporating some of the Anansi stories through our literature, as well.  These fun fairy tales have some great morals.  I also want to try to show the kids as much as I can. We have a field trip coming up to the Museum of African Art, which should be fun.  I also found some great VERY QUICK introductions to African Empires on HowStuffWorks.  Being sick this week, I was also reminded of what great resources the Timeline Cards and Science Cards are.  Yes, they're wonderful to have as a ready-reference for the song or fact of the week, but have you flipped them over? There's all the basic info you need to feel like you "covered it" and on a week where you just want to put a check in the box (and we all have those weeks) they are invaluable.  We're also pretty adventurous eaters over here, and I thought that making a traditional dish from this region would be fun.  Polenta with Bolognese is one of my faves, so when I saw Sadza from Zimbabwe (a cornmeal paste served with sauce of choice) I decided we'd go with it, and on the side, I'm thinking a Chicken Stew, although I'm reading peanut butter dishes are also a staple. For the less adventurous, how about some Sweet Potato Cookies?

Science: Three Types of Rock
Momma Owl's Lab has a great instructional post on how to mimic the three types of rock with crayon shavings, which is perfect, because we have some crayons that are ready to go, anyway!

I also found a fantastic video on YouTube that uses a "chef" theme.  We might have to simulate the igneous rock at home ;)

Because chocolate sauce on ice cream just seems like a good idea. Don't hate.  If you are not a crunchy granola mom that limits all snacks to kale chips and apple slices, you could even have one kind of rock each day for snack.

Geography: More Africa
In addition to using our Trivium Tables to locate and circle each geography point, I want to really start to focus on beginning to draw the world with the kids.  Wednesday is usually my geography day, so we're going to start this format
Here are the steps for beginning with your family:

1. Obtain a good atlas. Ideally, your maps should include the lines of latitude and longitude, the continents, and the oceans.
2. Give everyone paper and pencil.
3. Draw and label the Great Circles: Arctic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, and Antarctic Circle (younger children should use initials).
4. Draw seven “blobs” for the continents.
5. Label the four oceans: Indian, Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific.
6. Repeat the project every week until it is easy.

Math: Linear Equivalents
We always like to do a little something to "prove" our math.  Last week, we made Kool Aid in my Abecedarian class (which was a big hit- I overheard one of my students explaining at lunch that math knowledge is important so you can make kool aid for lunch!) and this week we'll probably measure a few things using inches and centimeters and then use a calculator to prove that we've done it correctly.  Neither of my children multiplies by decimals yet, so we'll pull out the calculator for a treat. 

Latin: Latin Noun Cases
We'll just be drilling on in Latin.  I hope to start an actual program with the boys next year, but for now, this works :)

English Grammar: Do, Does, Did
I'm working right now on making ships and waves (because they were what I originally found) for a file folder game with sentences for each week.  As soon as I get the file done, I'll add it :)

Have a fantastic week CC mommas!

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