We are just incredibly hectic this week! And it doesn't help that mommy has lost her mind! Getting ready for mission team and VBS is not necessarily helping my mental state. I keep forgetting things I have to do and just need to be better about making a list. As soon as it's over we're going to start working on our school schedule, including planning clothes for the week in our "sorter" (which is really a shoe hanger-upper) and morning devotions for Riley.
Yesterday was swim lesson day! All of our kids are doing awesome. Logan can float now and should be able to pass his next 2 levels, but since the "level lady" wasn't there yesterday, we'll have to wait. That's okay, we plan on swimming for awhile ;)
Savannah swam 10 feet underwater and dove down to get the diving sticks! She's so sweet, though, because the wetsuit uniform makes her bum have an air bubble so she can't get back up without help because she's a little bottom-buoyant!
Riley, of course, is a crazy man and can't wait for swim team in the fall!! Such a swimmer- just like his daddy and uncles!
Today we went to church in the morning and painted a few of the backgrounds for VBS. Riley and Logan were big helps and I tried to convince Savannah that today would be a great day to learn to like TV and watch a Veggie Tale, but she mainly sat in her stroller and fussed until she conned Ms. Rachel from WSUMC into picking her up :) After that we got stuck up in traffic and were late to my voice lesson. The kids went with my mom who met up with us after her TSC meeting (she's probably opening a
Tropical Smoothie! Get excited people!) when I got back we let the kids watch a Scooby Doo movie (not my finest hour, but I'm so stressed right now that by the time I go to bed I actually dream I'm working on VBS) and then had dinner.
Since it was gramma's house, they also got Ice Cream. She rocks.
Logan was super nice and shared a bite of his chocolate with Riley, who shared back...some of his melted Strawberry Cheesecake- but Logan said "Ryerye, that's not Iwce Cweam, dats Iwce Cweam Jooooce". Ice Cream Juice. Classic.